
Meehanite stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the UK. Meehanite is a grey cast iron supplied in round and flat as a continuous cast iron bar. It offers good machinability and can produce excellent surface finishes, with good suitability for copper or chromium plating. Noise and vibration damping are good in Meehanite grade cast iron. Meehanite has a dense homogeneous structure which provides good mechanical properties such as strength and wear resistance.

Related Specifications  BS EN 1561 GJL 250 DIN 1691 GG25 ISO 185 250

Form of Supply

Supplied as round bar, diameters and flat bar. As Meehanite suppliers and stockholders West Yorkshire Steel supply full bars or we can offer cut lengths and sawn blanks to your required sizes.

  • Flat
  • Diameter

Click on the headings below for further information


Meehanite is suitable for applications which good wearing characteristics and when components require a combination of strength and wear resistance superior to those of other softer cast iron grades. Meehanite is widely used in the plastics and glass industries and typical applications include moulds, pistons, dies, bearings, bushes, gears and cams.

Carbon 2.90-3.65% Phosphorous 0.30% max
Manganese 0.40-0.70% Sulphur 0.10% max
Silicon 1.80-2.90% Iron balance


N/mm² min

Mechanical properties shown are typical and may vary subject to the size and section of meehanite.

Meehanite  is available with a certificate of conformity, please request when placing any orders.

Meehanite is supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001:2015 registration.