BS2789 Grade 400-15 SG Iron

BS2789 Grade 400-15 SG iron stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the UK. West Yorkshire Steel are suppliers of continuously cast bar, available in diameters and a limited range of flat sections. Sometimes referenced as a ductile iron BS2789 Grade 400-15 is a spheroidal graphite iron that possesses strength, impact and ductile properties of a different type to that of grey cast iron specifications, though with similar machining characteristics.

SG Iron grade 400-15 is held on stock and can be delivered throughout the UK.
All orders are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001 accreditation.

Related Specifications  BS EN 1563 EN16482 EN GJS 400-15 60-40-10 65-45-12  FGS420-12 SF400 SFP400 DIN 1693 ISO 185 250

Alternative Cast Iron Grades  Spheroidal Graphite Iron | 420-12 | 500-7 | 600-3 | 700-2 |    Cast Iron200 | 220 | 250 | 260 | 300 | 350 |

Form of Supply

Supplied as round bar and a limited size range in flat bar. BS2789 Grade 400-15 diameters and flats are available in 3 metre bar lengths and can be sawn to cut lengths to your requirements.

Click here to contact our experienced sales team who will assist you with your 400-15 SG Iron enquiry.

  • Flat
  • Diameter

Click on the headings below for further information


BS2789 Grade 400-15 SG iron is suitable for applications where the electrical conductivity, optimal impact, fatigue and magnetic permeability features of a spheroidal graphite iron (SG iron) is required. Typical applications include dies, pistons, valves and moulds.

Carbon 3.40-3.85% Phosphorous 0.10% max
Manganese 0.10-0.30% Sulphur 0.02% max
Silicon 2.30-3.10% Magnesium 0.07% max
Iron balance

400 15 120-180

Mechanical properties shown are typical and may vary subject to the size and section of this sg iron grade.

BS2789 400-15 SG Iron  is available with a certificate of conformity, please request when placing any orders.

BS2789 EN1563 SG Iron to grade 400-15 is supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001:2015 registration.