BS2789 Grade 500-7 SG Iron

BS2789 Grade 500-7 S G iron stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the UK. West Yorkshire Steel are suppliers of 500-7 SG iron continuous cast bar available in diameters and a limited range of flat sections. Sometimes referenced as a ductile iron BS2789 Grade 500-7 is a spheroidal graphite iron that offers better strength, wear resistance and hardening capabilities to that of 400-15 or 420-12 S G iron grades.

500-7 SG Iron is held on stock and can be delivered throughout the UK.  All orders are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001 accreditation.

Related Specifications  BS EN 1563 EN16482 EN GJS 500-7 GGG50 SFP500 SP500 70-50-05

Alternative Cast Iron Grades  Spheroidal Graphite Iron | 400-15 | 420-12 | 600-3 | 700-2Cast Iron200 | 220 | 250 | 260 | 300 | 350 |

Form of Supply

West Yorkshire Steel are a supplier and stockholder of SG Iron grade BS2789 500-7 in round bar. This S G Iron grade is available in 3 metre bar lengths or sawn to length to your requirements.

Click here to contact our experienced sales team who will assist you with your 500-7 SG Iron enquiry.

  • Diameter

Click on the headings below for further information


BS2789 Grade 500-7 is suited for applications such as gears, pistons, valve bodies, dies and moulds and for applications that require good noise and vibration damping.

Carbon 3.40-3.85% Phosphorous 0.10% max
Manganese 0.10-0.30% Sulphur 0.02% max
Silicon 2.30-3.10% Magnesium 0.07% max
Iron balance

Tensile Strength
500 7 170-235

Mechanical properties shown are typical and may vary subject to the size and section of this sg iron grade.

BS2789 500-7 S G Iron  is available with a certificate or conformity, please request when placing any orders.

BS2789 EN1563 SG Iron to grade 500-7 is supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001:2015 registration.