X153CrMoV12 Steel

X153CrMoV12 steel suppliers delivering to the whole of the UK. West Yorkshire Steel are suppliers of this high carbon, high chromium steel in round bar, plate, sheet and block which can be cut to your requirements. X153CrMoV12 offers very high wear resistance and toughness, hardens in air with a low order of movement and offers a measure of corrosion resistance when polished. For tools operating under conditions of severe wear and abrasion or as an alternative to oil hardening grades when long runs are needed.

DIN standard steel grades are held on stock and can be delivered throughout the UK.
All orders are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001 accreditation.

Form of Supply

Fully annealed X153CrMoV12 is available in round bar, flat bar, plate and block. Diameters can be sawn to length as one offs or cut pieces. Square and rectangular sections can be sawn from flat or block to your specific sizes. Ground tool steel bar can be supplied, providing a quality precision ground bar to tight tolerances.

Contact our experienced sales team who will assist you with your enquiry.

  • Sheet
  • Plate
  • Flat
  • Diameter

Click on the headings below for further information


This grade is used in a wide variety of applications. Typical applications include punching and blanking dies for hard abrasive materials generally. Other applications include deep drawing dies, cupping dies, forming dies, sheet metal forming rolls, shear blades trimmer dies and thread rolling dies.

Carbon 1.45-1.60% Chromium 11.00-13.00%
Manganese 0.20-0.60% Phosphorous 0.030% max
Molybdenum 0.70-1.00% Sulphur 0.030% max
Vanadium 0.70-1.00%

Subject to size suitability and availability pieces can be produced as ground flat stock in approximately 3 to 4 weeks. Standard and non-standard sizes can be made.

Heat the steel slowly and uniformly to 700°C then more rapidly to 900-1040°C. After forging slow cool.

X153CrMoV12 is supplied in the annealed and machinable condition. Re-annealing will only be necessary if the steel has been forged or hardened. To anneal, heat slowly and uniformly to 900°C. Soak for three to four hours and then allow to cool in the furnace. Re-heat to 800-1040°C and again soak for three to four hours. Allow to cool in the furnace.

If heavily machined, ground or otherwise subjected to cold work, the relief of internal strains is advisable before hardening to minimise the possibility of distortion. Stress relieving should be carried out after rough machining. To stress relieve, heat the steel to 600-650°C. Soak well and cool in the furnace or in air.

It is preferable to heat the tools in a controlled atmosphere. If this is not possible, pack hardening is recommended. A reducing atmosphere is desirable. Pre heat X153CrMoV12 steel to 750-800°C. and allow to soak at this temperature. The temperature should then be brought up to 1000-1040°C for air cooling, or 980°C for oil quenching. Soak thoroughly at temperature for thirty minutes per 25mm of ruling section, then cool or quench accordingly.

Tempering should be done with the least possible delay after hardening, preferably when the tools are still hand warm. Select a suitable tempering temperature, bearing in mind the service requirements. Heat slowly and uniformly. When the component has reached the desired temperature, soak for at least sixty minutes. The second tempering should be a repetition of the first. Double tempering of Double tempering of X153CrMoV12 is recommended.

Temperature [°C] 150 200 250 300 350 400
Hardness [HRc] 62-61 61-60 60-59 57-56 56-55 56-55

Heat treatment temperatures, rate of heating, cooling and soaking times will vary due to factors such as the shape and size of each steel component. Other considerations during heat treatment include the type of furnace, quenching medium and work piece transfer facilities. Please consult your heat treatment provider for full guidance on heat treatment.

Select the correct grade of wheel in consultation with a grinding wheel manufacturer. Ensure the grinding wheel is in good condition by means of a suitable dressing tool. Wet grinding is a preferable option using a copious supply of coolant. If dry grinding is resorted to then use a soft wheel.

X153CrMoV12 steel is supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001:2008 registration.