Werkstoff Tool Steel
Werkstoff tool steel specifications stockholders and suppliers, delivering to the whole of the UK. Werkstoff tool steel specifications are commonly quoted throughout Europe. The Werkstoff (Material) number is a tool steel specification commonly made up of five digits with a decimal point after the first digit (example 1.2379). Werkstoff Numbers were designated by “Deutsches Institut für Normung” (German Institute for Standardisation) a no-profit organization responsible for developing DIN standards.
This tool steel numbering system was introduced to be more compatible with computerisation, but limited information on the tool steel specification can be established from the Werkstoff grade.
Werkstoff standard tool steel grades are held on stock and can be delivered throughout the UK.
All orders are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001 accreditation.
West Yorkshire Steel are stockholders and suppliers of a wide Werkstoff tool steel specifications. Please contact a member of our helpful sales team for further assistance.
All our Werkstoff tool steel specifications and grades are available with a cast and analysis certificate or a certificate of conformity. Please request when placing any orders.
Quality Assured Supply
Werkstoff tool steel grades are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001:2015 registration. Our aim to satisfy the quality and delivery needs of our customers and we measure our performance by meeting customers’ requirements. We work to continually improve the service that we provide. In order to achieve this, it is our policy to maintain an efficient and effective Quality Management System based upon the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2008. Our staff are appropriately trained in order to effectively implement the Quality Management System. The achievement of quality and continuous improvement is fundamental to all the steel products and services provided by us and are practiced by all employees as an integral part of their work.